Leading Church Cultural Change Across the country many churches exist in a state of disarray, struggling for a sense of identity and falling into a purposeless existence. Many… Continue reading
Succession Planning From Moses Founding CEO’s of successful organizations live within two constant realities: 1) they have made their dream into a reality, and 2) they must eventually… Continue reading
Core Competencies of Global Leaders Globalization is a phenomenon that is changing the landscape of every aspect of life, particularly leadership. Globalization is the “ongoing process of interdependence and… Continue reading
Mending Relationships with Followers If followers have a negative view of leadership, it can make it very difficult for a leader to serve followers and make sufficient change… Continue reading
Paul's Process of Mentorship Mentoring is a vital part of succession planning, and it is apparent the Apostle Paul understood the necessity of mentoring as well as the… Continue reading