Servant Leadership for Consultants Christians are called to serve. Christ modeled servanthood throughout his ministry (Mt. 20:28) in such moments as the washing his disciples’ feet (Jn. 13:1-17),… Continue reading
Dangers of Group Decision Making In Japanese culture, collectivist behavior is the norm (Takamiya, 1972), providing a high degree of consensus building. For executive leaders, consensus building is one… Continue reading
Leadership Style of Consultants Consultants are in a unique leadership position. They serve within an organization, yet have no direct influence over the organization other than what is… Continue reading
Group Decision Making for Success For executive leaders, few leadership skills are more central to success than consensus building (Berman & Werther, 1996). For the Japanese, consensus building is… Continue reading
Building Trust With Clients Consultants must seek for the highest degree of effectiveness in order to be a success at consulting, however, highly effective consultants who lack the… Continue reading