Freedom of Strategic Foresight Most organizations engage in the process of strategic planning, developing a mission statement, a vision, and core values that are fleshed out in strategic… Continue reading
Paul's Example of Leadership Acts 20:17-38 is a great example of how a leader is to approach global leadership with the intent of handing over authority and leadership… Continue reading
Foresight Workshop Through Time * According to Dr. Philip Zimbardo (2010), everyone operates from one of six orientations of time: past positive (nostalgic), past negative (regretful), present hedonistic (pleasure… Continue reading
Workshop for Possibilities Change is challenging to navigate, particularly when organizations have a culture that is past or present oriented. One way organizations can approach change is… Continue reading
The Gospel is Still the Cornerstone Globalization has developed at such a high rate of speed over the last 25 years that it is now a reality everyone is dealing… Continue reading