Control and Incentives Regarding the perspective an individual may have regarding control, it is difficult to get away from the principle that reveals control is a necessary… Continue reading
Lead to the Uttermost Ends of the Earth The world is shrinking. As technology makes the far reaches of the world more and more accessible to individuals, cultures and people groups who… Continue reading
Misfits of Organizational Design According to Burton et al (2011)., the concept of organizational design does not have to be a world of abstract and disconnected elements. In… Continue reading
Work as an Eternal Endeavor When Jesus ascended into heaven, he left his disciples with a command: to go and make disciples (Mt. 28:19). This directive to his disciples,… Continue reading
Work is a Reflection of God Genesis 3 tells the story of how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sin entered into the world. As a result, God cursed the… Continue reading